Sunday, September 13, 2009

Right brained slurs and four decades of music induced stuff

I am an artist, (among other things) and spend a substantial amount of time in my studio creating whatever happens to pass my fancy at the moment. I should add that lots of things pass my fancy at any given moment which is one of the reasons why I have decided to start a blog. I spend a lot of time talking about ideas, but don't necessarily get the opportunity to act on those thoughts. I have at least a half dozen "idea journals" that do a pretty decent job of documenting my artistic rantings over the years with a lot of considerations of "getting to that one of these days". Maybe it's not so much about the getting to it, but the fact that I have already gotten to it by simply thinking about it. I always say to my students that art is about the process of creation, not necessarily the final product. Perhaps I need to seriously consider labelling myself as a Conceptual Artist....

So, to get back to my original story, when in my studio, I always listen to music. I am a music junkie. Hardcore. More specifically I am a folk junkie and really seem to connect with the stories that I am told through a folk musicians song. I was talking to my mother about this the other day. I was saying that when a rock star sings about a woman, they talk about their hot long legs, or sexy red lips, or the short skirt they're wearing. A folk musician talks more about the emotional connection they have made with their lovers.

" got away, I never once heard you say, I need you, I don't need you, I need you, I don't need you and all of that jiving around...."
-Leonard Cohen's "Chelsea Hotel Number 2"

Their words seem to transcend time and space and seep through my fingertips into my art. I travel off into a creative muse that completely encompasses my right brain. Now that's when things start to get interesting, because I also have a tendency to blabber out the words to some of the songs, randomly, out of the blue (which must sound most atrocious to my dog who has the misfortune of not sharing the headphones with me) and therefore has no context to these outburst. These outbursts sometimes do not come out the way they intend, because the verbal, left side of my brain is on pause, and seemingly incapable of computing the sounds that are travelling from the right side to my fingertips. So, when I blurt out a phrase, it more often than not comes out competely wrong. This ends my artistic muse as my logical left side kicks into gear upon hearing words, and trys to make sense of what I just verbalized. That's when I usually laugh and shake my head and try to take myself back to my art.

I will keep an ongoing area off to the side here in blogville so that I can continually add to my list. I have done this a thousand times over the years, but have only documented two so far. Please note, this is very different than simply misunderstanding the words to a song. I do know what the words are...the amusement lies in that fact; that in my mind, I know what I am supposed to say, but I am so controlled by creative thought that I simply cannot say it. Try it some time...start by simply listening to music, music that you know, and doodle for a while. Doodle for a good while until you're not really listening to the words anymore, eventhough you are. That means that you're more possessed by your right brain than your left. After a few songs, or perhaps a few albums and a page full of doodles, try to vocalize what you're listening to. Try to sing, and see if you too, end up with some right brained slurs. If you do, send them to me, and we can laugh together.


  1. Awesome blog cuz!!! I can't believe how much that picture looks exactly like my room..too funny!

  2. Thanks Kris, and thanks for checking it out. Peace! :)

  3. Very nice, Rhonda. I look forward to following along...I enjoy your

    P.S. Know anyone that would make me an offer for some hard sided (old) suit cases? They'd be lovely painted.

  4. Oooh. I happen to have some hard sided old suitcases but they're too valuable for me to give up. BUT if you regularly checked out Value Village and some of the more vintage second hand stores in Winnipeg (I'm thinking of the ones in the Exchange District like Le Zoma) they always have stuff like that. What are you thinking about doing? Another option is eBay and even going to Lake has a link and I've gotten rid of some stuff there before. They also accept want ads. Thanks for checking out my site!
