Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lucky Us

This morning I woke up and headed down to the Red Lake market (yes, on my bike with my headphones on)that is set up in the parking lot between the old Northern building and CIBC. Rumour has it that there was going to be a farmer's market and organic meat for sale along with all of the garage sale items that people were selling. What a delight to come around the corner and hear accordian music playing, people were in costumes, children were sitting on big bales of hay, cabbage the size of basketballs was being sold, there was incredible photography, jewellery, social tickets (There is going to be a "Newfie" social in October...a cultural extravaganza you won't want to miss). You name was there. I stood at the top of the hill looking down at the commotion of people, music, food and stuff (with my $10 box of Archie comic digests, four ears of peaches and cream corn and organic pepperettes) thinking, we are lucky, lucky people. This town rocks.

Check out what's going on in Red Lake!


  1. Wasn't the Red Lake Market fantastic today! Beautiful weather, beautiful people, beautiful produce and beautiful (and tastey) Elk pepperettes. Then I spent the rest of the day at Rahill Beach and said over and over..."We are so lucky! I think we're the luckiest people in the world!". Hmmm...where have I heard that before? This town does rock Rhonda!! (And so do you!!)

  2. Alexander and I have decided we're going to write a song about being lucky, 'cause yeah, you've heard me say it before, WE ARE REALLY LUCKY PEOPLE! You rock too, Spicer!
