Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Trashy Treasures

This wedding dress was found at the reclaim station. It will make an awesome Halloween costume. 

Anyone that knows me knows that I’m a dump DIVA! I think it stems back to a childhood trip that we took to the abandoned Pickle Crow mine and town site back in 1977 or so. What an adventurous day! We had to break through tough roads in a Suburban just to get there. Dad pulled out the metal detector and we were sent free to pick through the trashed buildings to explore and scavenge. I recall finding a doll’s brush and thinking that was a really weird thing to find at a mine site.
My dad “oohed and aahed” over everything we found, turning our discoveries into instant treasures. It’s in my blood.And aren’t I a lucky woman to be married to a man that has just as much zest for the trash as I do, and can completely appreciate that many things in our home were found directly at the dump. And now he works there. It’s the circle of life. Hahaha

So before we go any further, let’s break the stigma that is connected to bringing home the trash. Many people turn up their nose to the thought of having something from a second hand store in their home, let alone something that has been pooped on by seagulls and had a bear’s greasy ol’ butt brushing against it. 

Yeah, I’m not cool with that either, but there’s things like bleach or vinegar that can get rid of pretty well anything, including your fingerprints. (Did you know that most of the stuff that you buy at stores has had rats running across it too? That’s because these products are in storage containers and sometimes there are pesky animals there as well…just like at the dump.)  But most of the time, people are throwing things away that are STILL IN THEIR ORIGINAL PACKAGING. And I mean, people are throwing them away, in garbage bags….not even considering the reclaim station that we have at the dump or setting it to the side for others to take. 

I posted a bunch of free stuff on my Facebook status last week and stuck it in front of my yard and within the hour it was all gone. Yahoo for not filling up our maxed out landfill! And I just put a bug in Brad’s ear asking if perhaps they could “red tag” big ticket items that come in to the dump such as kitchen cabinets, or wooden furniture and have a special spot for them at the dump so that people know it is good for the picking. This stuff isn’t GROSS! IT’S AWESOME! Stop being a poopy pants and get with the recycling, reclaiming program. Can I say poopy pants in a blog?  I just did. 

So what does this have to do with art? Everything!!! Artist around the world are using reclaimed objects in new, inventive ways to show you how to think outside the box and not only break your notions about the conventions of art making, but also make you aware of the despicable amount of mass consumption that is happening and the affluence of waste that is connected to it. I can’t help but think of the fantastic website “Inhabitat” whose slogan is “design that will save the world”. Just to give you an idea, this is the kind of headlines that you’ll find at this website;
  • ·         Michelle McKinney Creates Delicate and Ethereal Artwork from Industrial Metals
  • ·         250 Colorful Pringles Cans Make Up This Working Pipe Organ
  • ·         Giant Buddha Statue Made of Recycled Materials Pops Up on Brooklyn Waterfront

Most working artists are working with reclaimed, found materials for a plethora of reasons ranging from the typical cost reductions (Hey, we aren’t called “starving artists” for nothing! Art supplies are NOT cheap!) to the statement it creates, to the exhilarating design challenge that we are given when an object is put before our eyes to manipulate into something new. It is this genuine out-of-the-box thinking that makes what is created unique and desired.  And if you’re really into “keeping up with the Jones” then not only is it practical to buy reclaimed art, but it’s also really “in”.  It’s called shabby chic. La-dee-da.  So, basically, the bottom line is; it’s really cool to not waste, and it’s even cooler to go and get more stuff from the dump and make it into something new again. Then you’ll be the talk to the town. ;)

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