Tuesday, August 24, 2010

T'is the Summer of Chaos

  • Delhi to Dublin mosh pit and broken sunglasses
  • banana airband roadtrips
  • Coffee demanding visitors from foreign countries
  • graduating art students heading off to meet the world
  •  bare toed bum-crack tickling
  • Ukrainian interpretation romance
  • Grasshopper beer and bracelet sucking babies
  • slippery shoes in bathroom stalls and a bruised elbow
  • over stuffed taxi cabs and steamy backseat pauses
  • outhouse photo ops with friends
  • Mennonite twin jam session
  • 12 leeches on my dog and an overused salt shaker
  • beer pong refereeing and swatting cats
  • dangerous dancing and terrific consequences
  • Physics camp and walking on water
  • 4x4 puddle jumping in theatre parking lots
  • Blue Moon beer
  • 7 hour tattoo session friendship
  • balance board compatability tests
  • sticky moustache bum faces
  • Mondragon southern fried tofu 
  • moose stew nightmares and lightning storm washouts
  • I hate you. I love you.
  • rainy Trout disappointment
  • 7am thankful pick up: Harriet the Savior
  • torrential rainfall puddle jumping shivering
  • broken locks and air conditioner escapes
  •  shirt swapping
  • pregnant belly painting
  • duct tape wrestling belly flop costumes
  • Sibley stomping and sea lion observations
  • Bobinski beer bashes and tofu hotdog moccasins
  • Hotdog Ninja Warrior artistry
  • outdoor shower stall inventions and torturous forms of tormenting 
  • tattoos for cancer research
  • wet art
  • the essence of Johnny Depp on the Bounty
  • Zombie Ramona
  • mural mayhem and scaffolding scandals
  • Sportsman Dinner curiosities
  • pickle juice and sock drawers
  • Silver Islet rock theft
  • pansy filled veggie garden of pathos
  • revived friendships
  • aerobic livingroom danceoffs
  • half cemented sidewalks
  • dump disappointment
  • invention organization
  • Cat Empire African dancing 
  • soccer frustrations
  • blueberry sweat and secret picking holes
  • carrot cake bliss
  • googly eyed real estate agents
  • Animal cracker paintings
  • sleep deprivation

I seized the summer. I'm ready to go back to work.


  1. AWESOME!!! AWWWWESOME! Man, you didn't leave anything out, and I understand all the references! I'm so glad I was home. MAN.

  2. I am so glad you are home too, Harriet! Ah, Summer. *sigh*

  3. I was having a bummer of a day until I read your blog & watched your & Deanna's video - You completely MADE MY DAY! Thankyou!
