Monday, January 11, 2010

Spring Wind

A seed catalog came in the mail today, reminding me to put my order in so that I can start my veggie seedlings in my kitchen this March. The air was incredibly warm outside this afternoon, which is typical because I've been living without heat in my classroom for a month in -40 weather. I've been more-than-normally attracted to green recently (I can be seen longingly hovering around the broccoli and spinach in the produce section) and have been desperately yearning to see a patch of fresh new grass. I shoveled down to some for myself the other day just as a reminder that yes, this white coat will eventually melt away. Then this song randomly popped up on my computer, and it solidified that I definitely have Spring fever, three months too soon.

Spring Wind by Greg Brown

I lived awhile without you,
darn near half my life.
I no longer see our unborn children,
born to you my unwed wife.
But yesterday I had a vision,
beneath the tree where we once talked,
of an old couple burning
their love letters so their children
won't be shocked.

Love calls like the wild birds--
it's another day.
A Spring wind blew my list of
things to do...away.

My friends are gettin older,
so I guess I must be too.
Without their loving kindness,
I don't know what I'd do.
Oh the wine bottle's half empty--
the money's all spent.
And we're a cross between our parents
and hippies in a tent.
In a mucked up lovely river,
I cast my little fly.
I look at that river and smell it
and it makes me wanna cry.
Oh to clean our dirty planet,
now there's a noble wish,
and I'm puttin my shoulder to the wheel
'cause I wanna catch some fish.
Children go to sleep now--
you know it's gettin' late.
I know you don't like to miss nothin'
and school ain't that great.
Oh, I'll dance with you when you're happy,
and hold you when you're sad,
and hope you know how glad I am,
just to be you're Dad.

Darlin' it's been a hard go
but I think we'll be okay.
I know I say that all the time
like everything else I say.
Oh, I've been gone so often,
but every time I miss you,
and I don't really know nothin',
Except I like to kiss you.

 See you in the Spring, Spring. 


  1. I love this painting!

  2. Thank you. It's one of my favourites too. It's my reminder to enjoy the smaller, simpler things in life like the fresh smell of newly washed clothes hanging on the clothes line.
